two brown wooden chairs beside the wall

My Services

Personal Travel Concierge
Your dedicated expert to meticulously arrange every aspect of your journey, ensuring a seamless and personalised experience.

Customised Trip Planning & Logistics
Tailored travel itineraries and logistics crafted to suit your unique preferences and requirements.

International Flight Booking & Quotes
Provision of at least two flight options based on your needs, including assistance with frequent flyer reward bookings.

Luxury Accommodation Booking
Selection and booking of premium accommodations with at least two options provided for each destination.

Internal Travel Recommendations & Quotes
Expert advice and quotes for internal travel arrangements, including transfers and regional flights.

Travel Insurance
Comprehensive travel insurance quotes and arrangements to safeguard your journey.

Personalised Preferences Management
Organisation of dietary requirements, seating preferences, and other special requests to ensure your comfort.

Dining Recommendations & Reservations
Curated restaurant recommendations and reservation arrangements (if requested), ensuring you dine at the best establishments.

Emergency Assistance
24/7 support for any travel disruptions, such as missed flights or cancellations, to ensure prompt resolution.

Booking Fees:

$250 per booking up to 4 adults* (trips up to 3 weeks)

$350 per booking up to 4 adults* (trips 3+ weeks in duration)

For larger groups, please contact for a quote.

*Travelling on the same itinerary

Please note these booking fees are non refundable if you do not decide to go ahead.